Pontia glauconome (Klug, 1829)

Pontia glauconome

• TYPE LOCALITY. "Arabien, Berg Sinai" [Mt. Sinai, Egypt].

• RANGE. S. Turkmenia, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan.

• DISTRIBUTION AND VARIATION. In the south of Turkmenistan, in Uzbekistan and in Tajikistan (S. Ghissar and Turan), the species is represented by the ssp. iranica Bienert, 1870.

• HABITATS AND BIOLOGY. Xerophytic mountain slopes and foothills with poor vegetation, occurring at altitudes not exceeding 1,500 m a.s.1. Flight period: March-October in a succession of three to four generations. Specimens differ greatly in appearance from generation to generation.

• SIMILAR SPECIES. P. chloridice, P. daplidice, P. callidice: UNH green color well-developed.

Photo and text: Guide to the BUTTERFLIES OF RUSSIA and adjacent territories Volume 1. PENSOFT, Sofia - Moscow. 1997